Tea-riffic Trends: Why Herbal Teas Are Gaining Popularity 2024

Tea-riffic Trends: Why Herbal Teas Are Gaining Popularity 2024

Something great is brewing in the beverage world—and we are here to explore this together. How herbal teas are becoming huge in 2024, where in the past they were a mere alternative to black tea and coffee. At least 10 years ago, when I would see someone speaking of herbal products, they were considered gimmicky or health “gurus” trying to hop on something based on half truth. With a melting pot culture globally, herbal teas have gained the momentum of its benefits along with Ayurvedic preventative care with which we are mindful and can make informed decisions on what we consume.

The Wellness Wave: A Journey to Health

For 1000 years, India was the home for Ayurveda. Ayurvedic care focuses on individual characteristics, symptoms, and overall health as opposed to a population based medicinal treatments. In this age of customisation, we tend to choose something that is unique to us and serves us based on our parameters. The choice to look for natural remedies (Proactive prevention) originated from the idea of keeping one healthy with little to no side effects.

When we come across someone not managing stress well, or having to deal with weight issues, traditionally we opted for over the counter medicines. But every treatment comes with some risks associated with it. And an individual might not even afford constant medical treatments prescribed to him/her.

Today, Green Tea and Herbal tea captures 50% of overall Market share in the Tea category and now you know why.

The Rise of Mindful Consumption

Rise of Social media and influencers glamorize the act of self care and keeping a morning or an evening ritual. They are not entirely wrong. It is absolutely necessary to keep a part of your day empty just to breathe, enjoy little activities, maybe a hobby or working out or as simple as taking a nap. This allows us to refuel, re-energize the mind for tackling the rest of the day and keeps stress at bay.

Taking out time for oneself is essential for mental and emotional well-being. Simple daily practices, like having herbal tea, help step away from the rush of life. This calms the mind, unwinds stress, and relieves energies focused on what is at hand. Taking a moment to breathe allows humans to refuel the body and mind for daily challenges. Me-time activities create an open space for mindfulness and balance in life achievements.

A Flavor Adventure

We are all familiar with 5 minute hacks to take care of minor ailments like ginger for sore throat, cloves for quick toothache relief, turmeric to support immunity and gut health and many others. In Indian households, since centuries, grandmas have been reforming these ingredients, by either cooking with them or blending them in certain beverages. That’s how every child is brought up with Kahwa introduced to them early on, as a preventative measure to certain ailments.

Now, you might or might not be familiar with the taste, but let me tell you that it doesn’t tickle your tastebuds and keep you wanting more. Eventually, people started experimenting with these ancient old recipes and began to create their own version making each time a little tasteful.

Today, we have a range of herbal infusions and teas with a variety of flavors, health benefits unchanged. From spicy ginger turmeric to sweet floral hibiscus, these teas appeal to every kind of taste bud. Constantly pushing the envelope, brands are bringing new blends to the forefront like mixing classic herbs with modern flavor profiles, alluring both tea enthusiasts and newcomers. The growing interest in natural and holistic approaches to health has been one of the many major drivers. 

Caring for Our Planet

With ongoing climate changes, growing sense of responsibility towards our planet is an important factor when it comes to consumer products. People and brands significantly approach exchanging products which are home grown, sustainable and eco-friendly.

This shift towards conscious consumption is evident in the rising popularity of herbal teas in 2024. Not only are they often grown without chemicals, but they are packed in environmentally friendly ways, targeting 76% of consumers who prioritized this leading way to shop in an environmentally friendly way. Brands are also advancing their ethical standards in sourcing, by ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions for farmers, captivating a major share of consumers who are willing to pay more for socially responsible companies.

The Social Media Buzz

We are no strangers to social media trying to influence us into things unknown. Such was the rise of the herbal tea trend. I am calling this a trend because this wave was huge, paid by big brands to promote sustainability and fitness inspired teas, which magically transformed people’s health. And oftentimes, the trend dies down once we have consumers corroborating the slow progression.

Guess what! It is supposed to be a gradual improvement when it comes to health measures. If companies promise you a 1 minute weight loss pill, the downside is probably something you wouldn’t expect.

Herbal teas, unlike modern medicinal treatments, are completely different. They do not promise to relieve you from stomach ache, but if you consistently consume the right tea, it might prevent you from getting that ache in the first place.

Beginners' story to herbal tea consumption is entirely different. They often get introduced to them by a friend or social media through health gurus or highly paid influencers.Every single post, showcasing vibrant colors and insta-worthy, aesthetic packaging, does not only catch the eye but displays the great health benefits herbal teas possesses. It's this constant buzz that helps in its discovery to and embracing by one and all, fueling the rise in popularity.

2024 has proved to be a great year in popularizing herbal teas through social media. Instagram is overflowing with influencers and health bloggers are are sharing their favorite blends in all their grandeur. Every single post, showcasing vibrant colors and insta-worthy, aesthetic packaging, does not only catch the eye but displays the great health benefits herbal teas possesses. It's this constant buzz that helpsin its discovery to and embracing by one and all, fueling the rise in popularity.

As people continue seeking healthier lifestyle choices, herbal teas grow in popularity due to their long-standing history and the wide scope of benefits associated with them.

Tie to Cultural Heritage

Herbal teas hold a deep history in almost every culture around the world. People are discovering their heritage and with it, traditional drinks. From Ayurvedic teas hailing from India to medicinal herbs from China, every cup of tea comes steeped in herbal goodness and rich history. This connection to the past adds a special meaning to the simple act of drinking tea.

Perfect for Modern Life

Modern life problems often need modern solutions. And CONVENIENCE!

People are evidently 80% busier than ever before. So, reactive measures to health is the primary option for any disbalance. But what if we can prevent minor things from happening. We value time saving, quality products, sustainability and home grown brands which serve us and the people around us for overall social and economic growth.

Brands are coming up with innovative blend of herbal teas which not only comes with delightful taste and benefits, but you can get them at your doorstep, thanks to online shopping. Ready to drink options, hot and cold varieties based on seasonal modifications, make it easy to anywhere, anytime savor their benefits for people on the go.

As we embrace 2024, herbal teas will be at their peak, especially considering aspects like adaptability and health benefits.This blend of convenience and comfort has positioned herbal teas as a staple for those seeking both tradition and modernity in their daily routines.


Herbal teas are more than just a trend, they are a beautiful mix of traditions, wellness and living. With everybody looking to be healthy and mindful these days, no wonder herbal tea is fast becoming part of everyone’s daily routine. Next time you want to drink something, why not brew a cup of herbal tea. You will be joining the thousands of people already a part of the fats growing community of tea enthusiasts  who have discovered the easy, soothing and healthy delights of this wonderful beverage.

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