Interesting Tea Traditions from Around the World
Be it a cold winter morning or a hot summer evening, we all take comfort in consuming a cup of tea. What makes tea such a special beverage is its versatility. When one thinks about tea, we think of an aromatic beverage prepared with boiling water and tea leaves. But over the years, this narrative has surely changed. Across the globe, we come across various ingredients used in tea. In a country like India, we find different elements used in each of our states, which distinguishes our tea culture from the rest of the world! As enticing it would be to experience tea traditions first hand from around the world, this may not exactly be possible!
Roshi aims to give our consumers an all-in-one experience by bringing forth diverse ingredients from across the country so that you can experience the magic of it in a single cup! Over the years, we have curated our range of tea with utmost care and precision so that you can get an overall experience of health whilst satisfying your taste buds at the same time!
As much as we love our delicious chai, it is interesting to learn about tea recipes and traditions followed in other countries. So join us as we explore some of the most exciting recipes from across the sphere!
The Cool Cha yen from the Streets of Thailand
Unlike many other cultures' tea ceremonies, the Cha yen is rarely prepared in the Thai people's homes. Street vendors mostly sell it out of their streetcars. One can find a Cha Yen in every nook and corner of Thailand.
Thai people prepare this tea by adding black tea leaves in a pot of water lined with a pantyhose filter. The leaves are then brewed for a long time, followed by which one pours condensed milk into the pot. The makers then pour the prepared tea over a cup of crushed ice, and various aromatic spices, including cinnamon, star anise, and ground tamarind, are added. The beverage is usually consumed in the afternoons when it is hot and humid. Cha yen is an instant cooler.
The Perfect cup of Persian tea!
From business meetings to street shops, from lunch breaks to post-dinner time, one thing that is always in sight on Iranian tables is the silver trays carrying the cherished Persian tea. Iranians prepare this tea by pouring water in a Samovar, on top of which a teapot consisting of loose leaf tea leaves and water. They brew the contents and serve the final concoction in thin-wasted glasses. One is expected to place a sugar cube in their mouth and suck on it with every sip of tea that they take. On consumption of this tea, you are bound to say 'Chasbid!' (which translates to "it hit the spot," literally)
Yerba Mate from Argentina
The iconic Yerba Mate is known to be a way of life. Yerba mate literally translates to "gourd herb," and it is made of steeped leaves and twigs. The mate or the gourd is a decoratively painted vessel made of ceramic or wood. Yerba mate is prepared by filling the mate with leaves and then pouring warm water into it. The Bombilla is a straw specially meant for consuming the Yerba Mate. Back in the day, Argentinian horse riders would sit around a campfire sharing a cup of Yerba Mate while confiding in each other and talking about their day's work.
Taiwan – Third time's the charm!
The tea ceremony in Taiwan is expected to be performed in a serene environment which will aid in the appreciation by the guests. In the first stage, the pot and teacups are warmed up, leaves are washed, the water is poured from a specific height, and the tea is left to brew in the pitcher (cha hai) amount of time. The tea is then decanted into sniffer cups. As the name suggests, this cup is specifically designed for the guest to appreciate the tea's aroma. Finally, the tea is poured into a separate cup and is consumed. The guests are expected to devour the tea in three sips as it is considered good etiquette.
A frothy delight from Malaysia
The most enjoyed drink by Malaysians is Tehtarik. Condensed milk is first added to a brew of strong black tea, and it is repeatedly poured from one mug to another. People do it until a frothy texture is obtained. Apart from being a delightful beverage, it is also eye-some to watch its making and is the basis of many competitions held in Malaysia.
Tea unifying people despite their differences!
Trying tea traditions from around the world is indeed an enthralling experience. The tea traditions might vary from country to country, yet what stays common is the love and comfort a cup of tea offers to the people around. Wherever you go, you will find that tea brings a sense of collective harmony as friends and family enjoy their teas together. Roshi also aims to bring such shared love and joy with its tea that is an assortment of varied nourishing ingredients that represent the diversity and richness of Indian heritage.
We intend to imbibe a tea tradition that brings forth an exquisite experience to consumers such that they get a feeling of delight and contentment with the health benefits our range of tea provides!
It would indeed be a fun experience to try these myriad tea traditions from different corners of the world, and we hope you do give it a shot! Don't forget to tell us about your personal experience with trying such a stint. Our team at Roshi would love to hear from you.